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Although the area of the Una Nature Park is insufficiently explored, below we will present some of the most basic characteristics of the area. We are convinced that in the coming period we will find a way together - that the wider area of the Una River be explored and valorized in the right way.

The area of the Una Nature Park is characterized by specific geological and hydrological phenomena as well as exceptional biological diversity, which is manifested through floristic, faunal and ecosystem values. The Una Valley has long been known for the appearance of large masses of tufa (bigra). The entire Una riverbed is stepped with its longitudinal profile, which is precisely conditioned by the cascading appearances of the bigra, which alternates with flat and calm parts of the stream. According to Matoničkin and Pavletić (1963), four types of travertine formations can be distinguished in the Una River. Most often, there are small barriers with a height of 0.5 to 1.5 m, which are characteristic of this area because they show a specific structure and are somewhat different from all the formations in our other rivers.

The special value of the researched area are the habitats of many fish species. The morphology of the Una allows many different species of fish to be seen in one place. As many as 39 different species of fish have been identified in the Una, which certainly ranks it among the richest of our rivers. The third specificity of the Una Nature Park is the unique landscapes. The landscape is characterized by a mosaic of natural preserved habitats, partially altered and those created by anthropogenic influences. The emerald river Una, and a number of hydrological, geomorphological and other phenomena, including many travertine forms, rapids, waterfalls, ada and river lakes, as well as unbreakable coastal vegetation, and settlements on its shores make this protected area unique.

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The landscape is characterized by a mosaic of fragments of natural preserved habitats, partially modified and those created by anthropogenic influences. The basic characteristics of the landscape of this area are the clean and emerald river Una, and a number of hydrological, geomorphological and other phenomena, including many travertine forms, rapids, waterfalls, ada and river lakes, as well as unbreakable coastal vegetation that accompanies the river. With its process of creating travertine and travertine phenomena, Una is a unique natural phenomenon on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the low water level of the river, these travertine formations are especially pronounced, when they become a "port" for a large number of birds. The special landscape value of this area is given by river islands that are at least partially overgrown with natural vegetation, as well as larger and smaller complexes of agricultural land along the Una River, especially during the growing season when different agricultural crops alternate in a relatively small area. One of the regional features and value of the overall natural resource is a playful set of different types of habitats in a small area, in contact with picturesque towns and villages in which the only "Una" is preserved.


Nastavak aktivnosti

Građanskim angažmanom, odnosno angažmanom mladih postignut je inicijalni cilj u Novom Gradu, ali tu ne namjeravamo stati. Uz pomoć misije OSCE u Bosni i Hercegovini, održali smo zajednički sastanak sa načelnicima opština Krupa na Uni, Novi Grad i Kostajnica, imajući razumjevanja spriječenost načelnika Kozarske Dubice u datom momentu.

U okviru konstruktivnog sastanka, koji je prije svega propraćen otvorenim izlaganjima po pitanju problema koji se tiču zaštite životne sredine na teritoriji ovih opština, usaglašeni su načelni stavovi po pitanju zajedničkih djelovanja, te identifikovani primarni problemi koje je moguće najefikasnije rješavati zajedničkim djelovanjima. Posebno nam je drago, što su načelnici Krupe na Uni i Kostajnice iskazali interes za usvajanje Rezolucije o zaštiti životne sredine u opštinama iz kojih dolaze, primjenjujuću specifičnosti koje karakterišu njihove lokalne zajednice - na čemu ćemo zajedno, kako sa njima tako i sa lokalnim zajednicama iz regije raditi u narednom periodu.

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+387 66 262 610

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Presentation created with the support of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The published contents exclusively reflect the views of the authors and

Association "Green team" Novi Grad.

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